Circumference Measurement Body
Why measure waist circumference.
Circumference measurement body. Measure 10 in. Consequently if your circumference measurements increase you are increasing your body fat. Waist circumference is a better estimate of visceral fat the dangerous internal fat that coats the organs. Measure at the widest circumference with the arm elevated and the palm facing upward.
Carrying excess body fat around your middle is more of a health risk than if weight is on your hips and thighs. When measuring your body circumference make sure to use a cloth tape measure instead of a metal or those used in construction. A basic way to measure body fat percentage is by using a soft tape measure like the kind youd use for sewing to record measurements of different parts of the body. With feet together measure at the widest portion of the buttocks greater trochanter biceps.
Measure at the wing of the pelvis iliac crest hips. The science behind these girth measurements is based on the fact that fat tends to accumulate around the midsection. Home fitness testing tests anthropometry body size girth. Ensure that the subject does not pull their stomach inwards to obtain accurate measurements.
Place the tape measure neither too loose nor too tight to get the exact measurement. For example the us army uses a body fat calculation that simply requires an individuals age height. Measuring the circumference of certain body parts is a simple method of body fat estimation. Girth measurements can be used in determining body size and composition and to monitor changes in these parameters.
Make sure that the tape measure is in level while getting the measurements. This tool allows you to find your body fat lean mass and fat mass with girth measurements. For example when measuring your waist some people take the measurement below the belly button when your natural waistline is located above the belly button. Measure at the widest circumference with arms straight at the sides of the body.
Girth circumference measures. Special considerations in measuring your body circumference. Check out the easy to follow instructions for getting accurate measurements for each body part below. Measure the circumference of the subjects waist at a horizontal level around the navel for men and at the level with the smallest width for women.
Measure the circumference of your chest. The method for measuring the relevant body parts as well as the specific equations used are provided below. Girths are circumference measures at standard anatomical sites around the body measured with a tape measure.