Non Invasive Measurement Of Core Body Temperature
Therefore the aim of this study was to define relevant non invasive measures to predict core body temperature under various conditions.
Non invasive measurement of core body temperature. Core body temperature is an important vital parameter to determine the health status of a person. V l richmond d m. The gold standard to measure the core body temperature tcore is placement of a swan ganz catheter in the pulmonary artery which is a highly invasive procedure. This technology offer is a wearable core body temperature sensor for continuous and non invasive measurements.
Rectal intestinal oesophageal temperature is impractical for such applications. Core body temperature sensor for wearable and med tech applications. Non invasive measurement of core body temperature in marathon runners abstract. Wilkinson s d blacker f e horner j carterg havenith and m p rayson 2013 insulated skin temperature as a measure of core body temperature for individuals wearing cbrn.
Thus temperature surveillance is a prerequisite in general anesthesia settings during experimental surgeries. Background the measurement of core body temperature in the pulmonary artery swan ganz catheter is regarded as the reference standard. To assess accuracy and reliability of two non invasive methods the chemical tempadot and tympanic thermometer genius first temp m3000a against the gold standard pulmonary artery catheter and to determine the clinical significance of any temperature discrepancy using an expert panel. Over the years many approaches to the measurement of the core temperature have been suggested and implemented.
The knowledge of the core temperature of the human body is regarded as important diagnostic information with regard to health status. The miniaturized sensor is ideal for the integration into wearable devices and med techhealth tech devices with skin contact. Core temperature is normally maintained within a narrow range so that essential enzymatic reactions can occur. Greenteg offers the worlds first core body temperature sensor for continuous and non invasive measurements.
However invasive measurement of core body temperature eg. Core body temperature is an important vital sign indicating the health status of a person. Long term accurate measurements of core body temperature are essential to study human thermoregulation in ambulatory settings and during exercise but they are traditionally carried out using highly invasive techniques. Core temperature also called core body temperature is the operating temperature of an organism specifically in deep structures of the body such as the liver in comparison to temperatures of peripheral tissues.