Type In Your Body Measurement
Its easy to determine your body type with nothing more than a tape measure.
Type in your body measurement. Body shape calculator there are 8 female body shapes calculate yours now with the original 3 measurement body type calculator. You are an hourglass if your waist is at least 25 smaller than your shoulder or bust waist shoulders or bust 075 your waist is at least 25 smaller than your hips waist hips 075 and your shoulder and hip measurements are within 5 of each other. To learn your body shape grab a tape measure and enter these measurements in the below calculator bust waist hips bloggers web masters and fashionistas get t. A study of more than 6000 women conducted at north carolina state university in 2005 revealed that 46 of women were banana shaped.
And only 8 were hourglass shaped. If your waist measurements are about the same as your hip or bust and your shoulders and hips are about the same width you have whats called a banana or rectangle body type. Knowing your body type can be helpful for choosing clothing that will accent your best features. Our body shape calculator needs four measurements to accurately determine your body type.
Make sure that the tape is not too tight by breathing in and out. Find this out by looking at your hips and shoulder measurements. Start by taking measurements of your bust waist and hips. Then use this information to determine which body type best describes your measurements.
This body shape typically presented as the ideal describes a person with hip and bust measurements nearly equal in size with a narrower waist measurement. You can use the measurements you took for the body fat calculator. Confirm by checking the numbers. Just over 20 were pear shaped.